Selected Group Exhibitions
Future perfect, MOMus - Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki, Greece
Utopia. The Right to Hope, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany
Dem Himmel so nah, Kunsthalle Emden, Germany
Techno ecologies and bodies of memory: environment as battleground, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
6th Mardin Biennial, Turkey
Future perfect, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Serbia
Suppose You Are Not, ARTER - Museum for Contemporary Art, Istanbul
Paths of Understanding History, IE Creativity Center, Segovia, Spain
I M A G I N E W O R L D S allora, dopo, oggi, Merano Arte, Merano, Italy
New additions to the Spandau Art Collection, ZAK – Center for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
Future perfect, Galerija Miodrag Dado Djuric, Cetinje, Montenegro
Showroom Presentation, König Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Forgive Us Our Trespasses, HKW - Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
Metaphor to Metamorphosis, König Galerie, Munich, Germany
boiling it down, Callirrhoe Gallery, Athens, Greece
#nichtmuedewerden, Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Germany
Looking for humanity, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, Germany
Monomaterial , Kunstsaele, Berlin, Germany
... aber wo ist das Blatt Papier? , Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Vor.Ort, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Germany
Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen-New Acquisitions from Germany´s Federal Collection, Neues Museum Nürnberg, Germany
The History between persistence and criticism, Collegium, Arévalo, Spain
present perfect, Museum Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, Germany
Holzschnitt - 1400 bis heute , Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Germany
Pieces of Cake, CALLIRRHOE, Berlin/Athens, Germany/Greece
Future Perfect, L´art Pur Gallery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Drei Hubwagen und ein Blatt Papier- Die Edition Block, Neues Museum Nürnberg, German
Your Body is a battleground, Union Francaise, Istanbul, Turkey
Utopie Heimat, Städtische Galerie Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
Mitbestimmen, Galerie Nord/Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany
What is the Proper Way to Display a Flag?, Weserburg - Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen, Germany
The Stay Warehouse, Dirimart Gallery, Izmir, Turkey
Precaution, ARTER Museum Istanbul, Turkey
All Else Is Far, Dirimart Gallery Istanbul, Turkey
In Situ? Über Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Germany
Goldstücke, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen, Germany
ongoing schmidt pick, Gallery carlier/gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Kastellorizo Gallery - Open Discussions, Guna Contemporary, Kastellorizo, Greece
Freistaat Barackia: Landscapes of Liberation, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
Einheitsdenkmal, Ruhr Museum Essen, Germany
Die Balkone, Berlin, Germany
See Stücke Fakten Und Fiktion, Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin, Germany
Studio Berlin, Berghain, Berlin
1 Million Rosen für Angela Davis, Museum Albertinum - Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden, Germany
7th Çanakkale Biennial, Çanakkale, Turkey
Raupenimmersattism, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Group Exhibition, Keteleer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Poröse Stadt - Grenzgänge des Urbanen, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
Summershow, Dirimart Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
Borrowed Time/Geliehene Zeit, Fluc, Wien, Austria
Macht! Licht!, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany
zeitlos. Über das Wesen der Zeit, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Germany
wild/schön, Kunsthalle Emden, Emden, Germany
flüchtig - zeichenhaft – bedrohlich, Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg, Germany
Homecoming, Modern Museum Odunpazari, Eskisehir, Turkey
See Stücke / Fakten und Fiktion, Museum Kunst der Westküste, Germany
Looking Forward, Keteleer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Lost in Translation, De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium
Retours à l’Afrique, Bandjoun Station - Museum of Contemporary Art, Bandjoun, Cameroun
REGULAR INSANITY, Akbank Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
ALPHABET DES ANARCHISTISCHEN AMATEURS, < rotor > Center for Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria
Ad Infinitum, Dirimart Gallery, Istanbul
The I is Always In the Field of the Other, A Selection From the Agah Ugur Collection Museum Evliyagil, Ankara
REFLECTIONS, Gallery Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg
Standart, adas art space, Istanbul
Bye, Bye and Hello - 40 Years Deweer Gallery, Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium
Future Perfect, Museum Evliyagil, Ankara, Turkey
SELAM VE SEVGILERLE - Liebesgrüße aus und nach Istanbul, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Standart, ELDEM art space, Eskisehir, Turkey
FUTURE PERFECT. Contemporary Art from Germany, Musée Théodore-Monod d´Art Africain, Dakar, Senegal
Power to the people, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
4th Mardin Biennial, Mardin, Turkey
Doodle & Disegno, Blain|Southern Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Eagles and Doves, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
DYSTOPIA, Kunstsammlung Jena, Germany
Ein gemachter Mensch, Kallmann Museum, Ismaning, Germany
THE LONG NOW, Museum Goch, Goch, Germany
Future Perfect, The Model, Sligo, Ireland
Moenlight Sonata - A homage to the starry sky of Moen, Kunsthal 44 Moen, Denmark
Gefährten, Schaufenster, Berlin, Germany
Out of time - In search of stillness, Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium
NGORONGORO, Gallery Weekend, Berlin, Germany
DYSTOPIA, Städtische Museen Jena, Germany
Throwing Gestures - Protest, Economy an the Imperceptible, Kunstquartier Bethanien Studio 1, Berlin, Germany
DIE INFORMALE, Buenos Aires, Argentina
UTOPIA/DYSTOPIA, MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal
Disintegration, Herbstsalon - Maxi Gorki Theatre, Berlin, Germany
DOCUMENTA 14, Kassel/Athens, Germany/Greece
UNPREDICTABLE, Fondazione Golinelli, Bologna, Italy
Future Perfect, MUSA - Museo de las Artes - Guadalajara, Mexico
Landscapes of the mind, Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium
SETTE OPERE PER LA MISERICORDIA, ICI - Italian Cultural Institute London, United Kingdom
Meet me in Heaven, Schloss Tüssling, Tüssling, Germany
Performing the city, Videonale - Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Duo, Kressmann-Halle, Offenbach, Germany
Enjoy Forgetting, Palazzo Ducale, Massa-Carrara, Italy
BLACK WHITE, Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium
Uncertain States, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
7th Bucharest Biennial, Bucharest, Rumania
The Others, König Galerie St. Agnes, Berlin, Germany
What is left, MuseumsQuartier Q21 freiraum, Vienna, Austria
Pieces of Water, Kunsthalle/Kunstverein Göppingen, Germany
This yearning is ours!, Center of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu - CoCA, Torun, Poland
Passangers, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, Germany
Multiplizieren ist/bleibt menschlich, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Groupshow / 12 Solos, Blain/Southern Gallery Berlin, Germany
Ich kenne kein weekend. - René Block, LENTOS Museum, Linz, Austria
Remember Lidice, Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, Germany
Future Perfect, Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia, Cali, Columbia
Istanbul. Passion, Joy, Fury, MAXXI-Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome, Italy
Creating Common Good, KUNST HAUS WIEN, Vienna, Austria
Ich kenne kein weekend. - René Block, Berlinische Galerie - Museum für moderne Kunst and Neuer Berliner Kunstverein - n.b.k., Berlin, Germany
DO DISTURB!, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Stand Up!, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
playing future, Kunsthalle Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Degrees of Freedom, Museo d´Arte Moderna di Bologna, curated by Cristiana Perrella and Giovanni Carrada, Bologna, Italy
Future Perfekt, Museo Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Tirana Open, Tirana Open Art Festival, Albania
Kunstwerkstatt für Demokratie & friedlichen Protest, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Full House, Kunsthalle Erfurt - Schloss Molsdorf, Molsdorf, Germany
Remember Lidice, Edition Block, Berlin and Museum Lidice, Germany/Czech Republic
Future Perfekt, Museu de Arte Leopoldo Gotuzzo, Pelotas, Brasil
Opening the foam, Schloss Sacrow, Potsdam, Germany
Fashion as Social Energy, Palazzo Morando - Museum of Imagine, Fashion and Costume, Milan, Italy
Wave upon wave of invaders, Armada Milano, Milano, Italy
NGORONGORO, Artist Weekend, Studiobuildings - Lehderstrasse, Berlin, Germany
Die Nacht der Villa Massimo, Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin, Germany
Memory Lab or the The Sentimental Turn: Photography Challenges History, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
dal il al di, ArtQ13, Rome, Italy
Future Perfekt, Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Sette opere per la Misericordia, Chiesa del Pio Monte della Misericordia, Naples, Italy
RE: Collect, Kunstpalais Erlangen, Germany
3 + 6 = 1, Galerie Von Bartha - Galerie Stampa - Galerie Idea Fixa, Basel, Swizerland
Artists Film International, Fundacion PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Revolution, Rohkunstbau, Schloss Marquardt, Potsdam, Germany
Rainproof ideas & more editions, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Future Perfekt, Kaliningrad State Art Gallery, Kaliningrad, Russia
WALL WORKS, Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany
10 Jahre Lentos, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Austria
Utopien vermeiden, Werkleitz Festival, Halle, Germany
In Situ -- Julius von Bismarck, Satiago Sierra, Nasan Tur, Public site-specific works, Senatsreservenspeicher Berlin, Germany
Artistic Programme, ArtInternational Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Lieu de Memoire, Sumarria/Lunn Gallery, London, UK
Artists Film International, KINOKINO Centre for Art and Film, Sandnes, Norway
Future Perfekt, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany
Iskele: The Unanswered Question, NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein and TANAS Berlin, Germany
Rethinking Modernity, Istanbul Modern, Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, Turkey
Zizhiqu -- Autonomous Regions, Times Museum, Guangzhou, China
Farbe bekennen, Marta Museum, Herford, Germany
Terrain of Threshold Voices, DISTRICT- Berlin, Germany
Freie Sicht, Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden, Germany
Picturing Places Around the World / Remix, National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Kaliningrad, Russia
Artists Film International, City Gallery Wellington, New Zealand
Selected Artists 2012, NGBK - Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany
Artists Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom
New kids of the Block, TANAS, Berlin, Germany
Artists Film International, Cultural Center Belgrade, Serbia
Tell Me Whom You Haunt: Marcel Duchamp and the Contemporary Readymade, Blain/Southern Gallery London, United Kingdom
Artists Film International, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy
Die Irregulären, NGBK - Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany
Berliner Zimmer, HDLU - Mestrovic Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia
Im Netzwerk der Moderne, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden - Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden, Germany
A Gathering, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Denkzeichen, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin in Cooperration with the Museum Festung Kustrin, Kulturzentrum Kustrin/Kostrzyn, Poland
Minor Truths, Egeran Galeri, Istanbul, Turkey
Art and Toys, Me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany
A Gathering, Peiraios 260 - Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Athens, Greece
X O, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Berliner Zimmer, Paviljon Cvijeta Zuzoric, Belgrade, Serbia
Berlin Status, Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Languages of Revolution, Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Berlin
Cities and Thinks That Matter, Lombard Freid Projects, New York, United States
Berliner Zimmer, MNAC - National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, Romania
Zwoelf im Zwoelften, Tanas, Berlin, Germany
The End and Beyond, Week of Contemporary Art - Center for Contemporary Art Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Seven New Works, Borusan Contemporary Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
Berliner Zimmer, Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Abstraction, Private Construction, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany
From where to where, Galeri Mana, Istanbul, Turkey
Ueber Dinge, Kunsthaus Muerz, Austria
Berliner Zimmer, MMCA - Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tactics of Invisibility, ARTER - Vehbi Koc Contemporary Art Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey
Tactics of Invisibility, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
The Only One, Trieste Contemporanea, Triest, Italy
The Disasters of Peace, Umspannwerk Berlin-Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany
Nishiko - Nasan Tur - Chris Burden, Walden Affairs Gallery, Den Haag, The Netherlands
3 – unendlich, Galerie Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Starter, ARTER - Vehbi Koc Contemporary Art Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey
Tactics of Invisibility, TANAS, Berlin, Germany
Journey's with no return, A Foundation, London, United Kingdom
Transit:Topos, Akbank Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
Studies & Theory, KWADRAT, Berlin, Germany
Transit: Istanbul, Passage de Retz, Paris, France
Nicht einfach, die Welt in 90 Tagen zu retten, Kunstforeningen 44 Moen, Askeby, Denmark,
Suspended Spaces, Maison de la culture d´Amiens, Amiens, France
Daniel Lergon, Matt Saunders, Nasan Tur, Sigmar Polke/Christof Kohlhöfer, Galerie Sassa Truelzsch, Berlin, Germany
Zeigen, Temporaere Kunsthalle Berlin, Germany
Nicht einfach, die Welt in 90 Tagen zu retten, TANAS, Berlin, Germany
Labyrint: Writings and Observations, Botkyrka Konsthall, Tumba, Sweden
28th Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljublijana, International Center of Graphic Arts, Gallery Skuc, Ljublijana, Slovenia
Playing the City, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Collection Dubai, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, Netherland
On the Shoulders of Davids, JAUS Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Systeme, Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung M1, Hohenlockstedt, Germany
(very) small distortions in the order, 28th International Film Festival Istanbul, Turkey
OHNE UNS!, riesa efau., Dresden, Germany
Personality Crisis, OUTLET - Art Space, Istanbul, Turkey
Socially Disorganized, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, Australia
Politische Ikonografie, Galerie Jette Rudolph, Berlin, Germany
Salon Of The Revolution, 29th Youth Salon Zagreb, Croatia
SCAPE Biennial, Christchurch Biennial of Art in Public Space, New Zealand
6th Taipei Biennial, Taiwan
Ars Telefonica, Art in Public Space, Bucharest, Romania
Becoming Istanbul, DAM - Deutsches Architektur Museum, Germany
States of Ecstasy, Akbank Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey
Nicht alles tun, Kunstraum emyt, Berlin, Germany
du dialogue social, Motorenhalle-Projektzentrum für zeitgenoesische Kunst, Dresden, Germany
Gone City, Bregenzer Kunstverein, Austria
ZEIGEN, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany
Land of Human Rights: To Raise One's Voice Here and Now, < rotor > Association for Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria
10th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey
Be a realist, demand the impossible!, Karsi Sanat Galerisi, Istanbul, Turkey
The State of the World, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
7. Internationale Foto-Triennale, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen, Germany
Create!, Museum fuer Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, Germany
Ground Lost, Galerija Nova, Zagreb, How & for Whom, Kroatia
Crossings, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Center, Nicosia, Cyprus
Out of Loop, BICA-Brooklyn Industries Contemporary Art, New York, USA
Miriam Steinhauser - Nasan Tur, White Space - Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Zurich, Swisse
Never from the back but face to face, Public Space, Art Project by Radikal, Istanbul, Turkey
Crossings, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Ground lost, Stadtforum Graz, Austria
EurHope 1153, Villa Manin - Center for Contemporary Art, Codroipo, Italy
art, life & confusion, 47th October Salon, Culture Center Belgrad, Yugoslawia
territories of Duration, Karsi Sanat Galerisi, Istanbul, Turkey
Crossings, Fort Saint Angelo, Birgu, Malta
Geld schiesst keine Tore, Zentrum fuer Kunst, Opelvillen Rüsselsheim, Germany
Dialog, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany
Estasionarte, Estasionarte, Mexico City
Forest Man, The New Gallery Jerusalem, Israel
Rundlederwelten, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
Videologija, Videoart Festival, Volgograd, Russia
Fresh and coming video - Screening 1, Galerie Adler, Frankfurt, Germany
Urban Realities : Focus Istanbul, Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin, Germany
...mehr als nur Gaeste..., Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, Germany
3 Video, Museum of Modern Art Istanbul, Turkey
Monitoring, Kulturbahnhof Kassel, Germany
Love it or Leave it, 5th Cetinje Biennale, Montenegro
Visitor, Galerist, Istanbul, Turkey
fog - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Forum für öffentliche Gegenwartskultur Darmstadt, Germany
hidden face, K2 Contemporary Art Center, Turkey
Das erinnerte Haus, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
Someone Else's Problem, Bilsar Binasi, Istanbul, Turkey
Invisible, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany
Indifference/Difference, Mains d’Œuvres, Paris, France
Brothers and Sisters and Birds, Badischer Kunstverein,Karlsruhe, Germany
Emporter des femmes à paris, Goethe Institut, Athen, Greece
Junge Kunst, Saarland Museum Saarbrücken/Galerie Junge Kunst/Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Trier, Germany
I'm too sad to kill you!, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art, Turkey
Absolvenz, Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
Neresi?/Burasi?, Museum of Modern Art Saitama, Japan
Blut und Honig - Blood and Honey, Sammlung Essl-Kunst der Gegenwart, Vienna, Austria
Die neue Kunsthalle, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
Under The Beach : The Pavement, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art, Turkey
F/O, auswaerts Kunstraum e.V., Frankfurt, Germany
Vasisdas, Teknik Üniversite Galerisi, Istanbul, Turkey
Identity, Deutsche Bank touring exhibition Frankfurt-New York-London-Tokio
from 0-1 and back again, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Germany